REMIT inside information reporting – only on central inside information platform starting on 1/1/2021

Screenshot of the EEX Inside Information Messenger

Starting on 1 January 2021, ACER requires that REMIT inside information be published on an “inside information platform”.

On 19 July 2019, the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators – ACER for short – updated its guidelines for the application of REMIT. According to ACER, information subject to reporting requirements under Article 4 of REMIT is only effectively disclosed if it is published on a central platform (“inside information platform or IIP”).Market participants without plants or with plants < 100 MW also need to report market-relevant information on an inside information platform.

Market participants should initially comply with these requirements from 1 July 2020, ACER said in the updated FAQs (question 4/1/17). Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, ACER extended the deadline to 1 January 2021. (see “REMIT Quarterly, issue no. 20/Q1 2020”)

Publications of inside information via a company’s own website – which is often common practice today – will no longer be effective as of 1 January 2021.

Reporting REMIT inside information effectively and compliantly

To enable companies to easily comply with their reporting obligations also in the future, EEX – in cooperation with Seven2one – developed the EEX Inside Information Messenger.

With the EEX Inside Information Messenger, companies can report their inside information to the EEX transparency platform in an effective and compliant manner. The EEX Transparency Platform is an official inside information platform that is listed with ACER.

EEX transparency platform: free REMIT reports in 2020

EEX transparency platform: tried and tested for meeting regulatory obligations

Nearly 100 companies from 15 countries fulfil their regulatory reporting obligations using the EEX transparency platform. Companies can publish inside information according to REMIT and the Market Abuse Regulation (MAR) and have it forwarded according to the EU Transparency Regulation.

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